Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Where the Road Takes Me" by Jay McLean

Chloe has one plan for the future, and one plan only: the road. She’s made a promise to herself: don’t let anyone in, and don’t let anyone love her. She’s learned the hard way what happens if she breaks her rules. So she’s focused on being invisible and waiting until she can set out on the road—her dream of freedom, at least for a little while.

Blake Hunter is a basketball star who has it all—everything about him looks perfect to those on the other side of his protective walls. He can’t let anyone see the shattered pieces behind the flawless facade or else all his hopes and dreams will disappear.

One dark night throws Chloe and Blake together, changing everything for Blake. For Chloe, nothing changes: she has the road, and she’s focused on it. But when the so-called perfect boy starts to notice the invisible girl, they discover that sometimes with love, no one knows where the road may lead.


Where the Road Takes Me by Jay McLean
Completed: 30.03.2015

*I received this book from Amazon Publishing via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

Where the road takes me was a much more difficult read for me to actually get into, there were a lot of issues for me, starting with the connection between Chloe and Blake, I really could not relate to the attraction that Blake had for Chloe. There was a lot of indecisiveness on Chloe's half, she kept pushing him away, and to be frank, I don't believe any guy has the patience for the amount of 'running away' that she does.

Chloe as a character did not have that reader-character connection for me, I guess it was mostly due to her general attitude towards life? I'm not too sure. But I did take a liking to Blake further on into the story, he would come up with the most cliche things to say, some were sweet, and some were just a little bit too corny for my liking.

The story in general was alright, and had so much going for it. I'm still at a loss as to why I couldn't get into it, as I normally do with other books. There were a few inconsistencies in the writing, that really threw me off, and the story did not flow nicely throughout the book, and has taken me this long to actually finish reading it.

Overall, I am so disappointed with this book, as I was so excited to read it as the blurb made it sound like such an amazing story. I really hate to give such a negative review, especially to authors like Jay McLean who has written such excellent books, I'm a huge fan of her More Than Series, but this just did not cut it for me.

Three Stars.

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