Sunday, August 4, 2013

"Tempest Revealed" by Tracy Deebs (Tempest #3)

"Half-mermaid Tempest Maguire is trying to have it all: fulfilling her duties as second-in-line to the merQueen Hailana while periodically returning home to the California coastline to be with her family and longtime boyfriend, Mark.

Living under the sea and rebuilding Coral Straits is grueling work, while being back home reminds her of everyone she loves and misses. But when her old flame Kona arrives bearing news that Hailana has died and Tempest is now officially merQueen, she returns permanently to Coral Straits, even though it devastates her family and rips her apart from Mark.

Once there, she discovers that an old enemy has resurfaced, hell-bent on taking over her throne... with or without her. As Tempest prepares for her final showdown against Tiamat and anyone who stands with her, she must decide what - and who - is really important to her. Because there will be few survivors in the ultimate sea battle that is brewing - and Tempest isn't sure she will be one of them."


Tempest Revealed by Tracy Deebs
Completed: 02.08.2013

After waiting for what felt like eons for this books to come out, I was considerably excited to read this book, seeing as it's the final installment... Let's just say that the excitement started to disappear as I continued reading, and within the first five chapters, I completely lost it.

Starting with the fact that Tempest, who I thought was a strong female character, has turned into the most infuriatingly dependent person. Always expecting someone to fix her mistakes, or deciding to run away instead of facing her problems head-on, not to mention the fact that she's become extremely whiny. I also found that the book had a large amount of loose-ends, so many things left unexplained, or even just certain parts of the book didn't feel... justified.

Then comes the love story. WHAT IN THE GOOD LORD WERE YOU THINKING, TEMPEST? From book one, I had never liked Mark, not that I had anything against him as a character, but I found that he was always so possessive and dominative over Tempest, telling her what to do, where to go, how to deal with things. Gah!

The final book in a series, definitely has to be, for me, one of those books that go out with a BANG! But this one just seemed so, anticlimactic. Now don't get me wrong, there were some parts in this book that had my heart racing, and adrenaline pumping, but I just didn't feel like the author packed enough of a punch into her final book.

Three stars.

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